Saturday, December 31, 2005
When I stand up for those I love, they call me a bitch.
When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts or do things my own way, they call me a bitch.
Being a bitch means I won't compromise what's in my heart. It means I live my life MY way. It means I won't allow anyone to step on me.
When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak against it, I am defined as a bitch.
The same thing happens when I take time for myself instead of being everyone's maid, or when I act a little selfish. It means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won't become anyone else's idea of what they think I "should" be.
I am outspoken, opinionated and determined. I want what I want and there is nothing wrong with that!
So try to stomp on me, try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me. You won't succeed.
And if that makes me a bitch, so be it. I embrace the title and am proud to bear it.
B - Babe
I - In
T - Total
C - Control of
H - Herself
B = Beautiful
I = Intelligent
T = Talented
C = Charming
H = Hell of a Woman
B = Beautiful
I = Individual
T = That
C = Can
H = Handle anything
Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
59 Love Password
1.不要为了寂寞去恋爱,时间是个魔鬼,天长日久,如果你是个多情的人,即使不爱对方 ,到时候也会产生感情,到最后你怎么办?
2.不要为了负责而去结婚。要知道,不爱对方却和对方结婚是最不负责的。即使当时让对 方很伤心,但是总比让他几年甚至一辈子伤心强。
3.不管多大多老,不管家人朋友怎么催,都不要随便对待婚姻,婚姻不是打牌,重新洗牌 要付出巨大代价。
4.感情的事基本上没有谁对谁错,他(她)要离开你,总是你有什么地方不能令他满足, 回头想想过去在一起的日子,总是美好的。当然,卑劣的感情骗子也有,他们的花言巧语 完全是为了骗取对方和自己上床,这样的人还是极少数的。
5.和一个生活习惯有很多差异的人恋爱不要紧,结婚要慎重,想想你是否可以长久忍受彼 此的不同。
6.有人说恋爱要找自己喜欢的人,结婚要找喜欢自己的人,都是片面的。恋人不喜欢自己 有什么可恋的?老婆自己不喜欢怎么过一辈子?
8.在要求对方必须是处女的时候,想想自己是不是处男,如果是,你可以,如果不是,你 凭什么?
9.不要随便和别人上床,否则将来遇到一个真爱但他洁身自好有原则男人,你会后悔当年 的所做所为。
10.不要因为自己长相不如对方而放弃追求的打算,长相只是一时的印象,真正决定能否结 合主要取决于双方的性格。我见过的帅哥配丑女,丑女配帅哥太多了。
11.女人要学会扮靓自己,不要拿朴素来做挡箭牌,不要拿家务做借口,不懂时尚,你就不 是一个完整的女人。
12.恋爱的时间能长尽量长。这最少有两点好处:一,充分,尽可能长的享受恋爱的愉悦, 婚姻和恋爱的感觉是很不同的。二,两人相处时间越长,越能检验彼此是否真心,越能看 出两人性格是否合得来。这样婚后的感情就会牢固得多。
13.男人不坏,女人不爱,这坏不是指心肠狠毒,自私无情什么的。而是指油嘴滑舌,花言 巧语。一般的好男人以为说情话是油嘴滑舌,轻浮肉麻的表现,所以不愿去做。对别人这 样说是不对,可是对自己老婆,就要油嘴滑舌一点。为什么不能做个心好嘴滑的男人呢?
14.离婚率高至少反映了好坏不同的两点:好的一点是人的观念已经趋向人性化,不再为封 建思想而禁锢自己,坏的一点是对于婚姻的轻率。没想好结什么婚?
15.都说婚姻是爱情的坟墓,那是因为婚前已经往去坟墓的路上走着。就算不结婚也会在坟 墓前分手。为什么不先分手就一头钻进坟墓呢?
16.只会读书的女人是一本字典,再好人们也只会在需要的时候去翻看一下,只会扮靓的女 人只是一具花瓶,看久了也就那样。服饰美容是做好一个女人的必要条件,不是充要条件 。你还需要多看书。这样你会发现生活更加美好。
17.平平淡淡才是真,没错,可那应该是激情过后的平淡,然后再起激情,再有平淡。激情 平淡应呈波浪形交替出现。光有平淡无激情的生活有什么意思?只要你真心爱他,到死你 也会有激情的。
18.你爱他么?爱就告诉他,何必把思念之苦藏在心底深处。怕样子,地位,身份不相配? 别怕,爱一个人是美好的。
19.老婆和老妈掉进了河里,我先救老妈,因为是老妈给了我生命,我找不到任何理由丢下 她不管。老婆如果没救上来,我可以再给她陪葬,在墓里继续我们的爱情。
21.经常听说男人味女人味,你知道男人味是一种什么味道,女人味又是一种什么味道吗? 男人味就是豁达勇敢,女人味就是温柔体贴。
22.魅力是什么?魅力不是漂亮,漂亮的女人不一定能吸引我,端庄幽雅的女人我才喜欢。 所以你不用担自己不够漂亮。
23.初恋都让人难忘,觉得美好。为什么?不是因为她(他)很漂亮或很帅,也不是因为得 不到就是好的,而是因为人初涉爱河时心里异常纯真,绝无私心杂念,只知道倾己所有去 爱对方。而以后的爱情都没有这么纯洁无瑕了。纯真是人世间最为可贵的东西。我们渴求 的就是她。
24.初恋的人大多都不懂爱,所以初恋失败的多,成功的少。结婚应该找个未婚的,因为虽 都喜欢原装。而恋爱,还是找个恋爱过的人才好。因为经历过恋爱的人才知道什么是爱, 怎么去爱。
25.男人有钱就变坏,是的,很多男人这样,不过,一有钱就变坏的男人就算没钱,也好不 到哪里去。
26.一个男人能不能给你安全感,完全不取决于他的身高,而是取决于他的心高。高大而窝 囊的男人我见过不少。矮小而昂扬的男人我也见过。一个男人要心高气傲,这样才像男人 。当然,前提是要有才华。
27.天长地久有没有?当然有!为什么大多数人不相信有?因为他们没有找到人生旅途中最 适合自己的那一个。也就是冥冥中注定的那一个。为什么找不到?茫茫人海,人生如露, 要找到最合适自己的那一个谈何容易?你或许可以在40岁时找到上天注定的那一个,可是 你能等到40岁吗?在20多岁时找不到,却不得不结婚,在三四十岁时找到却不得不放弃。 这就是人生的悲哀。
28.为什么生活中很少见到传说中天长地久,可歌可泣的爱情故事?因为这样的感情非常可 贵,可贵的东西是那么好见到的么?金子钻石容易见到吗?
30.性感是什么?坦胸露乳么?那路边没穿衣服的女丐性感不?性感不是仅仅指衣服穿得少 ,而是该种性别焕发出来与另一种性别迥然不同的特质。一个衣着讲究,端庄优雅的女人 我一样觉得很性感。
31.一般的男人穿西服喜欢衬衣上系条领带,束得紧紧的,我却不喜欢系领带,敞开最上的 扣子,我觉得这样更性感。
32.从前失恋之时,我都会恨他,恨他为什么这么无情,听到有关他的不好的消息,我都会 偷着乐,现在不了,现在即使失去他,我也会祝福他,衷心希望他能过得很好。他过得不 好我会很难过。这也是喜欢和爱的一个区别。
33.和聪明的人恋爱会很快乐,因为他们幽默,会说话,但也时时存在着危机,因为这样的 人很容易变心。和老实人恋会很放心,但生活却也非常得乏味。
34.女人不要太好强,有的女人自尊心过强。是别人的错她态度很强硬,是自己的错她同样 态度很强硬。她总以为去求别人是下贱的表现,她是永远不会求男人的。这样的女人很令 人头疼。聪明的女人会知道什么时候该坚强,什么时候该示弱。好强应该对外人,对爱的 人这么好强还要不要他呵护你啊?
35.男人大多爱嫖妓,嫖妓的愉悦当然是一原因,还有一个更大的原因就是,和妓女相处会感 觉非常的愉快,想说什么话就说什么话,想干什么就干什么,而且妓女会撒娇,这让男人 感觉自己更像男人,那么,女人为什么不能在床上扮演一个妓女呢?
36.要看一个人有没有内涵,内看谈吐,外看着装。还可以看写字。谈吐可以看出一个人的 学识和修养。着装可以看出一个人的品位,写字可以看出一个人的性格。
37.想知道一个人爱不爱你,就看他和你在一起有没有活力,开不开心,有就是爱,没有就 是不爱。
38.有的人老是抱怨找不好人,一两次不要紧,多了就有问题了,首先你要检讨自己本身有 没有问题,如果没有,那你就要审视一自己的眼光了,为什么每次坏人总被你碰到?
39.有人说男人一旦变心,九头牛也拉不回,难道女人变心,九头牛就拉得回来吗?男女之 间只在生理上有差异,心理方面大同小异。
40.爱情与人品没多大关系,从前有个女同事跟我说她喜欢射雕里的杨康,不喜欢郭靖,我 很惊奇,爱坏厌好?后来想想,也没什么, 羁等显 作父,卖国求荣是不对的。可是他对 爱情却很执着,这样的人为什么不能享有爱?现实生活也有这样的例子,古惑仔也有古惑 仔的爱情。
41.有人说没有面包的爱情终究会夭折。我说说这话的人不懂什么是爱情。从前恋爱我很反 感别人说女方这条件好那条件好。我不管你什么出身,什么学历,什么地位,如果我爱你 ,你擦皮鞋甚至做妓女我也无所谓。大人说我幼稚,没有钱怎么过日子?我说有钱没爱过 的是什么日子?和自己爱的人在一起,喝水吃腌菜我也是高兴的。
42.如果真爱一个人,就会心甘情愿为他而改变。如果一个人在你面前我行我素,置你不喜 欢的行为而不顾,那么他就是不爱你。所以如果你不够关心他或是他不够关心你,那么你 就不爱他或他不爱你,而不要以为是自己本来就很粗心或是相信他是一个粗心的人。遇见 自己真爱的人,懦夫也会变勇敢,同理,粗心鬼也会变得细心。
43.彼此都有意而不说出来是爱情的最高境界。因为这个时候两人都在尽情的享受媚眼,尽 情的享受目光相对时的火热心理,尽情的享受手指相碰时的心惊动魄。一旦说出来,味道 会淡许多,因为两人同意以后,所有的行为都是已被许可,已有心理准备的了,到最后渐 渐会变得麻木。
44.一个萝卜一个坑,说的是婚姻情况。事实上对于爱情来说,是不成立的,优秀的人,不 管男女,都会是一个萝卜好几个坑。所以这个世界上天天演着悲欢离合的故事。
45.性和爱是可以分开的。性其实只是人的一种很正常的生理欲望。就和吃饭喝水一样,饿 了就要吃饭,渴了就要喝水。饭我们既可以自己弄着吃,吃完洗碗洗锅放好,也可以去馆 子吃,吃完嘴一抹,拍屁股走人。剩下的可以不要。所以对于性,很多人在需求时也会去 外面“吃”。吃完付钱走人,不需要把对方带走。但自己做的和外面买的味道是有点不同 的,到底谁好谁坏,就看各人的口味了。
46.有两种女人很可爱,一种是妈妈型的,很体贴人,很会照顾人,会把男人照顾的非常周 到。和这样的女人在一起,会感觉到强烈的被爱。还有一种是妹妹型的。很胆小,很害羞 ,非常的依赖男人,和这样的女人在一起,会激发自己男人的个性的显现。比如打老鼠扛 重物什么的。会常常想到去保护自己的小女人。还有一种女人既不知道关心体贴人,又从 不向男人低头示弱,这样的女人最让男人无可奈何。
47.有外遇并非坏男人的专利,好男人一样有,所以当你遇到这样的男人时,不要一棍子打 死,可以试着给一次机会,能改还是可以在一起的。几十年的感情不容易,对于男人的偶 尔出轨,有时候不必看得过重。
48.吝啬是男人的大忌,就算穷也不要做出一副穷样。有人抱怨女人只爱男人的钱,其实也 并不一定就是这样,有的女人喜欢男人为她花钱,有时候也是为了证实自己在男人心目中 的位置,男人如果喜欢一个女人,一定愿意为她花钱的。
49.男女搭配,干活不累。因为在异性面前,男人总喜欢表现自己很男人的一面。这样也才 像个男人,所以大男子主义有时候是必须有的。
50.追求爱慕的异性是很常见的说法。其实对方不喜欢你,你再怎么追也没用,对方喜欢你 ,根本不需要挖空心思去追。或许真有一天他被你的诚意所打动,可最终大多还是会分手 的。因为爱情不是感动,你不是他心目中的理想伴侣,即使一时接受你,将来碰上他心仪 的那一位,一样会离开你。当然,对于喜欢你的人,你还是需要花点心思去讨好他的,因 为这样才像拍拖,才浪漫。
51.经常有人问在朋友和恋人之间叫你选择,你会选择哪一个?其实我觉得这个问题是多余 的。真正懂你的朋友或恋人,他们会体谅你的行为,如果不体谅你,因此失去也不必太在 意。朋友或恋人是要互相帮助的,而不是硬性迁就的。
52.都说一个成功的男人背后,常常有一个默默无闻的支持他的女人,那一个失败的男人的 背后,是不是也常常有一个明明有闻的瞎捣乱的女人呢?
53.曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。可是如果我还没经沧海或是刚到沧海打了个转就回 来,而且也没到过巫山就一头钻进了围城怎么办啊?
54.浪漫是什么?是送花?雨中漫步?楼前伫立不去?如果两人彼此倾心相爱,什么事都不 做,静静相对都会感觉是浪漫的。否则,即使两人坐到月亮上拍拖,也是感觉不到浪漫的 。
55.是否门当户对不要紧,最重要应该是兴当趣对,不然没有共同语言,即使在一起,仍然 会感觉到孤独。
57.幼稚的人和幼稚的人在一起没什么问题,成熟的人和成熟的人一起也没什么问题,成熟 的人和幼稚的人一起问题就多了。
58.有的女人恋爱时让男友宠着自己,结婚后仍然要老公百般宠着自己,却忘记做为一个女 人应该做的份内之事。这样的女人是不懂得爱情的。
59.持久的爱情源于彼此的发自内心的真爱,建立在平等的基础之上。任何只顾疯狂爱人而 不顾自己有否被爱,或是只顾享受被爱而不知真心爱人的人都不会有好的结局。
New Year Resolution?!
Erm....what's my new year 2006 resolution?
1. Get a new job, perhaps? better prospect and better pay. Leave the current bloody shitty place ASAP!
2. Stay healthy and try to be happy!
3. Less "shit" on me.
4. Find a soulmate.
5. Whoever owe me money / stuff, please refund/ return to me! otherwise i will keep cursing you till you POKKAI!
Here, i quote from Heng's just like it...
Give me the courage to accept what I cannot change,
the strength to change what I cannot accept,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Money Face? Great Friendship?!!
***Case 1***
Look, one of my friend asked me for a i did him a favor..and he owe me money and mentioned will pay me back. I trust my friend and treasure frenship, i seldom say NO when ppl need help. (within my ability & limitation), so i helped for god sake lah!
Fine, 1st time when i asked, he told me he not yet go to bank, so next time will pay.
So when i tried call several times, he didn't pick up the phone call, eventhough pick up and everytime seems try to avoid me, mentioned that he was buzy will call back later on. But never ever return call at all! SMS 10 times, no reply at all. Furthermore, asked me please be understanding bit, coz working pressure and tight schedule.
This small matter has been drag like almost a month.He not even show up his face. When i sms him that:" if u r bz, i do understand..but would appreciate u can TF to me.." Cynically, replied from him: "why u so care about money?" " it's only small amount, only hundred over, not even 16k!" " if i say no how? of coz i will pay u when i see u."
What da heck! fucking hell...end up i become the superb dummy money face duh! come on, go to ask around who dun care about money? may be u are the first fucking one who dun really care! if i fucking rich, i dun even bother to get back from you, i give u as charity or let u buy own medicine! all my hard-earned money with my blood and sweat one. what do u think? i know u are earning big amount, but what make u so difficult to refund huh? I become so thick skin face huh? Look, i just guide my own money, not stealing or taken from others. Friend is friend, money is money, i don't mix up! I don't mind buy you an expensive gift, indulge you by a great meal..tat's a courtesy and token of appreciation for frenship. But once u said u need favor and will pay me back. U better do it!!
If u treat me as a friend,pls behave as a fren like a gem. Dun be a coward try to hide up!!
You may be indifferent towards money value. But should i bother or care?
Should i use this hundred over to buy a cheap friendship?!! if you have gut & carry up ur balls..dun give me lame excuses..just be straight forward pay me back before you fly off!
***Case 2***
You called me up at 5am and cried your eye ball out..weeping..sobbing over the phone there..seeking for help..i was so dumb and promised to help u out. You told me u have argument with ur so called bf in Canada (who i also happened to know this guy), u need me to 'settle' it on behalf of you with this fellow. told me you will pay me back the phone bill cost..So i did the stewpiak favor for u, solved the issue. End up you been trying hard to hide from me for 5 years and never pay me back RM200! So i used up this money to buy our almost 18 yrs old friendship! You will always think of me when u are in deep shit and whenever u need help. Other than that, u will totally forget about me!
So let's face the reality!! That's life! lots of coward, bitch, prick and bastard around this small little world! What to do huh?
Monday, December 26, 2005
My Christmas~~~





Lindt chocolate & bear pajamas~~
After toll, we all wanted to have beef noodle...yum end up at seremban's pasar for beef noodle.. Then we went to Brenda's house. She was busy doing 'tong yuan' one...white, green and pink colour.. So i just offered my hand to help..:)
Evening we all gathered at Juliet & Frankie's new house for house warming & Christmas eve dinner. Their house was so crowded..We helped to arrange the food on the table...lots of tempting.. let me see... fried chicken, fried mee hoon, fried mee, curry chicken, yong tofu, jelly fish kerabu, fried fish ball, fried sausages, roast chicken, roast turkey, mash potato (special coutersy cooked by Timothy, recipe from Sunderland..hehe), fresh fruits (honeydew, watermelon), jelly /agar-agar, fried vege...etc... Everyone enjoyed the food very much...especially the kids...
After the dinner, we have nothing to do...bunch of us...brenda, cow yuen,timothy, christhoper, crystal, crystal's hubby had a walk to the play was so dark..coz it's a new housing area..not many residents move in yet... Timothy keep talking ghosty thingy...make brenda freak out ..ahaha..then we started talking crap...what star..why the light will move one..actually it was an aeroplane lah..duh...we all keep laffing at brenda.....Damn funny...Everyone tried to cathc up with Timonthy..since he just back from UK for vacation, we all start to give our next yr wish list to him, asked him to buy this and that for us when he will be back here again (2006). Till we so sien (boring), Christopher suggested go for cycling..since Frankie's house has 8 bicycles there..whalao..good many years i didnt cycle already...why not? Christopher teased me why cycling like an old nerd slow...hahaha...kid, dun play play..later i pokkai again how ah?
Phew....finally the moment was coming...Christmas gift time...hehehe...i've prepared 12 xmas gifts all gave mission has completed. Erm..waiting for my xmas gift...Look, what i got ah....??? i've received a mini white xmas tree from Eva (company's florist)..nicely deco one..^o^ Lindt chocolate (donno from who..;P), bear pajamas from lee sien, mini piglet keychain (grow in the dark) and moonflower gift set from Lisa (she brought all these gifts from London)..i was so touched. Bead bracelet from Brenda, i love it so much! The most funniest gift i ever received..jackbean pot from Crystal...she wants me to plan this plant...haha..very funny one..
This 2005 Christmas was kinda fun, manage to have gathering together with Pok's family and friends. But everyone of us know what's the different...Coz HW is no longer with us for this special occasion...
Merry Christmas to all of you...Happy New Year 2006!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
What your name means
There are 13 letters in your name.
Those 13 letters total to 57
There are 5 vowels and 8 consonants in your name.
Your number is: 3
The characteristics of #3 are: Expression, verbalization, socialization, the arts, the joy of living.
The expression or destiny for #3:
An Expression of 3 produces a quest for destiny with words along a variety of lines that may include writing, speaking, singing, acting or teaching; our entertainers, writers, litigators, teachers, salesmen, and composers. You also have the destiny to sell yourself or sell just about any product that comes along. You are imaginative in your presentation, and you may have creative talents in the arts, although these are more likely to be latent. You are an optimistic person that seems ever enthusiastic about life and living. You are friendly, loving and social, and people like you because you are charming and such a good conversationalist. Your ability to communicate may often inspire others. It is your role in life to inspire and motivate; to raise the spirits of those around you.
The negative side of number 3 Expression is superficiality. You may tend to scatter your forces and simply be too easygoing. It is advisable for the negative 3 to avoid dwelling on trivial matters, especially gossip.
Your Soul Urge number is: 3
A Soul Urge number of 3 means:
With the Soul Urge number 3 your desire in life is personal expression, and generally enjoying life to its fullest. You want to participate in an active social life and enjoy a large circle of friends. You want to be in the limelight, expressing your artistic or intellectual talents. Word skills may be your thing; speaking, writing, acting, singing. In a positive sense, the 3 energy is friendly, outgoing and always very social.
You have a decidedly upbeat attitude that is rarely discouraged; a good mental and emotional balance.
The 3 Soul Urge gives intuitive insight, thus, very high creative and inspirational tendencies. The truly outstanding trait shown by the 3 Soul Urge is that of self-expression, regardless of the field of endeavor.
On the negative side, you may at times become too easygoing and too optimistic, tending to scatter forces and accomplish very little. Often, the excessive 3 energy produces non-stop talkers. Everyone has faults, but the 3 soul urge doesn't appreciate having these pointed out.
Your Inner Dream number is: 9
An Inner Dream number of 9 means:
You dream of being creative, intellectual, and universal; the selfless humanitarian. You understand the needy and what to help them. You would love to be a person people count on for support and advice.
Birthday Calculator
Your date of conception was on or about 1 September 1979 which was a Saturday.
You were born on a Saturday
under the astrological sign Gemini.
Your Life path number is 11.
The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2444383.5.
The golden number for 1980 is 5.
The epact number for 1980 is 13.
The year 1980 was a leap year.
The date of Easter on your birth year was Sunday, 6 April 1980.
The date of Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent) on your birth year was Wednesday 20 February 1980.
The date of Whitsun (Pentecost Sunday) in the year of your birth was Sunday 25 May 1980.
The date of Whisuntide in the year of your birth was Sunday 1 June 1980.
As of 12/22/2005 3:59:24 AM EST
You are 25 years old.
You are 307 months old.
You are 1,335 weeks old.
You are 9,343 days old.
You are 224,235 hours old.
You are 13,454,159 minutes old.
You are 807,249,564 seconds old.
Your age is the equivalent of a dog that is 3.65675146771037 years old. (Life's just a big chewy bone for you!)
There are 153 days till your next birthday
on which your cake will have 26 candles
Those 26 candles produce 26 BTUs,
or 6,552 calories of heat (that's only 6.5520 food Calories!) .
You can boil 2.97 US ounces of water with that many candles.
In 1980 there were approximately 3.6 million births in the US.
In 1980 the US population was approximately 226,545,805 people, 64.0 persons per square mile.
In 1980 in the US there were 2,406,708 marriages (10.6%) and 1,182,000 divorces (5.2%)
In 1980 in the US there were approximately 1,990,000 deaths (8.8 per 1000)
Your birthstone is Emerald
The Mystical properties of Emerald
Though not meant to replace traditional medical treatment, Emerald is used for physical and emotional healing.Some lists consider these stones to be your birthstone. (Birthstone lists come from Jewelers, Tibet, Ayurvedic Indian medicine, and other sources)
Agate, Chrysoprase
Your birth tree is
Chestnut Tree, the HonestyOf unusual beauty, does not want to impress, well-developed sense of justice, vivacious, interested, a born diplomat, but irritable and sensitive in company, often due to a lack of self-confidence, acts sometimes superior, feels not understood, loves only once, has difficulties in finding a partner.
There are 3 days till Christmas 2005!
The moon's phase on the day you were
born was waxing gibbous.
Click on the picture for more information. |
- The number 11 Life Path has the connotation of illumination describing its general focus. This is the number associated with spiritual awareness. As one of the two master numbers, the 11 yields understanding and knowledge beyond the grasp of others. The attitude toward life of those possessing this Life Path is somewhat extreme; extremely intuitive, avant-garde, idealistic, visionary, and cultured. These extremes make you an interesting, if unusual person, with much to offer society. The Life Path 11 person is deep-thinking, and you are no doubt interested in understanding many of life's mysteries and more intriguing facets. Your inventive mind and broad-minded views will permit you to succeed in life in any number of ventures. You can best serve society, however, in those endeavors utilizing your skills of counseling and guidance. Much of your idealism is people oriented and quite humanitarian in nature. You expect a great deal of yourself and of those to whom you are close.
On the negative side, there is a lot of nervous tension associated with the 11 life path, and you can be a difficult person to deal with because of this. For this reason, relationships, at times, can be difficult. This is a Life Path that seems to feature broad mood swings between the elation and depression. You are likely to have trouble making decisions and getting your life in gear, so to speak. There is a tendency for the 11 to harbor feelings of uneasiness, and dissatisfaction with accomplishments and personal progress in life. Your grandiose schemes usually make sense, but you can get off the track and they can be very impractical. You have a very distinct side that lacks common sense, and you are quite often unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality. In this regard, you are perhaps more of a dreamer than a doer. When you do get on target, your ideas seem to have been inspired on high. Perhaps you are not a leader, but you are a visionary and a very talented idea person.
Dumb Cases
Dumb ass came asked me:" can i have the chinese set menu costing? u go get from cost controller."
Cost controller:" sorry, i've nothing to provide the details coz no recipe given to me."
Me:" Laugh out loud"
Dumb ass:" Give me teh whole damn banquet menu!"
Me:"Sorry i didn't keep it, you have get from events team."
Dumb ass:"How come you dun keep one? u see we all in the same office, should have one but why only events team keep?"
Me: " Oh..that only keep by chef, normally i don't sell this kind of event, i only keep for outlets menu and certain set menu. Futhermore i'm not chef! why i should keep it for? I don't need the menu for costing and recipe what's big deal now?"
Dumb ass:" U go to get the file from events team, how come we dun have the menu?"
Alo...since one yr ago, u said u work out the new menu..but now yr end already, nothing work out lah...still using my ex-chef's menu lah....HQ chased u for 'we commit' training program, now u bcome paranoit ah..who asked u nv done ur part huh? should i care? u used to be a chef and wondering why ur assistant also didnt keep one? come asked me why ur assistant also didnt keep one? So dumb question would i know...may b god know lah! dun come blame me lah! coz u r dumb ass!
Me:" ok, nah..this is the file."
Dumb ass:" oh..bit only ah..i thought big and think pale of menus.. can we make a copy ah?"
Duh! urself also duno about the menu details huh? *pengsan*
Me:"If you want it, not a big problem to have it."
Dumb ass:" but i want it now!!"
okay..dumb ass..u know i got lots of work ah...u think everything u want it now can drop from the sky huh?
David:" boss, nah..this is one of the set menu recipe."
Dumb ass:"Give to jo, then she will give to cost controller..since she is her buddy.."
Fucking hell!
Dumb ass: " have you done the recipe yet?"
Me:" i'm doing it lah!" #$%$^%&^*
Dumb ass:" cost controller ah..LG..can i have the costing by today before 2pm ah?"
Cost controller:" let me see lah..i'm busy now...i try.." **u wait there lah** would i know why all ur dumb chef don keep any copy of the menu huh? i'm not blardy chef ...everything i do for u all, why not give me 5% out of ur salary huh?
Dumb case 2
A: " Jo, can you go to tell ur boss..dun simply come to screw my staff in front of others ppl in the early morning.."
Me: " er...what's wrong ah..tell me what happen..see how i can help u then.."
A:" He called up early morning 5.00am said that he need a cab to pick him up from his house."
Me:" ok..then..?"
A:"But he expected he called now, the cab will straight standby in front of his house lah..he said he want now!!!now!! why the cab late lah...?"
Me:" why not u give the cab driver direct number to him, let him call himself lah...."
A:"We did...but he still didnt make own arrangement, still calling us.. if cab late bit..he came screw all of us in front of others..that's unfair.. since we did him a favor to arrange his cab..why he like that one!!"
Me:" sorry dear..since tat case, i can't help much tho..."
A:" u imagine he called up 5.00am, he wan the cab by there immediately..u think the driver superb driver? people also just woke up need to refresh and get ready go there..need some times to reach the destination what.."
Me:" yeah..i know..but what i can say to him then? u wan me get screw again ah? seems its non of my business woh..."
A:" so how ah..?"
Me:" next time u just ignore him..and walk away lah.."
A:" okay lah..he's so hard to please one..he think everyone is his slave..."
Me:" hahaha....ape then?"
Dumb case 3
Dumb ass:" hey, i just received a call from Tan Sri XXX, he wanna to come makan makan tomorrow..can u send him menus? Western set menu i will handle, can u go to ask David for chinese set menu?"
Me:" okay. who should i contact with? can i have the contact number and fax number?"
Dumb ass:" i donno.. u fax to his secretary lah.."
*Basket* lah..WTF
Me:" No contact person name, no number how to contact ah?"
Dumb ass:" i dun care, u go to find out urself now!
Me:" look, just now Tan Sri called ur mobile, there should have number appeared on ur screen what..."
Dumb ass:" i duno..u go to contact his secretary now..u check it out urself!"
Whalao...this is not the first time i wan to bang to the wall and vomit can be like that dumb one..???? u didnt provide any information how to contact the guest huh?
Me:" Fine..i try.."
Dumb ass:" No..u must do it!"
Me:" okay okay..."
Dumb case 4
Dumb ass:" why R's mobile canot get thru you know where's he now? can u try to call him now.."
Me:" okay..he switched off his mobile lah..i think he went home already.."
Dumb ass:" you go to tell him..i wan to see him now..!! i dun care..if he went home d, ask him back to office .."
Me:"look, i duno where's he now, and he's not at work place and his mobile is turned off d. i duno how to get him..why not u call him again..."
Dumb ass SMS R. *pls return call ASAP*
R replied *my phone no credit* muahahhaa..tat's funny...:P
End up R didn't bother to turn up in office.
Aiseh..really PAIN IN ASS men...
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Food Tasting...yum yum
Herewith the menu:-
Four cold & hot combinations
(fried 'kong por'squid with dried chilli, vegetables, jelly fish salad and five spices rolls)
Seafood soup
(squid, prawn, scallop, bamboo shoot, black fungus, shitake mushroom)
Butter tiger prawn
Steamed fish with light soya sauce
Fried broccoli with beancurd skin and mushroom
Deep friend boneless chicken with thai chilli sauce
Fried rice with shrimp and anchovies
Chilled honeydew with sago
Sounds yummy? are you getting hunry yet? *LOL* ~ Slurp~
I only ate some of it..David scooped some of the food and put into a bowl for me,special reserved for me. 'han fook'. I had chicken with thai sauce, fried rice, butter prawn, five spice roll, seafood soup and chilled honeydew. The rest of the food,my stomach can't go in anymore...bloated...* BURP!* ops..excuse me...^o^
Blur Sotong
I did prepared the quotation and try to fax over to her. But the fax number she gave is invalid * nombor yang anda dial tak ada dalam perkhidmatan!*, then i tried on the telephone number turn up is fax number. So i just faxed it.
After that this customer called up claimed that she didn't receive anything from me, wondering how come? So i told her the number she gave can't fax thru...*mind you, i've repeated the number to her on phone after she gave* * Her name is Lavy, i think Lembab is more suitable for her!* *GRIN*
Finally i found out she is blur sotong, own company fax number and telephone number also canot remember. DUH! she gave me XXXX 7607 & XXXX 7600 which are wrong number!
Then she still not feel paiseh, then i just asked her nicely again, "please provide your telephone & fax number again." *pengsan lah* Coz she was trying put the blame on me..Nevermind lah, customer always right! *my ass lah! customer always know how to play around the trick to get advantage and free stuff! End up guest complain lah! Eventhough is her fault, u still need to put up ur fake smiling face and listen to the blardy complains and apology.blablabla...*
What to do huh?
Monday, December 19, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Engagement & BBQ


17 Dec 05 was Zulyda’s big day! It’s her engagement day! Congratulations to my dear friend!
We knew each other since 1998 through college time; we had lots of fun together. We did assignment together, we went for lunch together, we went mamak together, we went shopping together… She’s a gem, very cheerful and sweet person. *Eri, you should feel very proud of Lyda and must SAYANG her yeah!*
I’ve promised her to attend her engagement day, so I took off on this day. I woke up early and prepared myself. I never been to her house before, before hand I seek direction from her. She sms me on the direction, wow..she’s expert to give direction. Such a long sms, somehow I still need to draw my own map for the road. *of coz I’ve no time to read sms while I’m driving and look for direction*
I was trapped in traffic jam and it’s was raining.
So I drove slowly and look for proper signage and building. It’s fun..just like treasure hunt. Hahaha.. Walah! Finally I found her house, many cars. Parked my car then walk into her house. OMG, I feel bit regret not to wear baju kebaya / baju kurung today, coz everyone did that. :P Never mind then, I save the baju for her next year wedding.
Wow, I was so impressed that her family member can recognize me (first time I went to her house) and can called my name. Look, I’m the only Chinese appeared there and with my jean. Her house was so crowded, lots of her cousins and relatives. It was my first time to attend malay engagement ceremony. Excited!
Lyda’s sister brought me to Lyda’s room, her aunt Emy was touched up her make up. Wow, Lyda looks so gorgeous! The most beautiful moment I ever saw. She with her tailored made white gown. We hugged each other and snapped some pictures.
Firstly, she needs to wait patiently in her room till Eri’s family arrives there. Eri is not allowed to come together, he need to come later. So Eri’s parents and Lyda’s parents will sit down discuss the upcoming wedding details and how much money gonna to pay for bride. Then Eri’s mother will presents a diamond ring to Lyda.
Then I saw her mother and her cousins walked in and out busy to display the “Hantaran”. Guess what, total 17 hantaran! All the items was displays on individual tray with lace under layer cloth. I saw Aigner belt, wallet, Givenchy perfume, black leather shoe, chocolate cake, fruits cake, Al-Quran, prayer mat, songkok, potpourri, daun sirih, cake of aeroplane shape, jelly roses, chocolates ….From guy side, will presents 13 hantaran to Lyda. By custom, that total number of hantaran must be in odd number and female need to present additional 2 items to male. I saw Eri gave her Guess handbag, Guess high hell, bungan rampai, prayer mat, wedding cloth material, chocolates, cake, fruits basket, Givenchy make up set, daun sirih… (I can’t remember all items..*wink)
Finally, Eri reached there…everyone is so thrilled to see him to put on one whole set of white gold & diamond jewelry for Lyda. All the camera men were so busy snapping photos.
After the photograph session, all of us proceed to enjoy our lunch time. I had chicken masak merah, beef kurma, papadom, vege acar, pineapple and cucumber and rose syrup. It was a lovely meal.
I received a thank you token from Lyda’s sister. But Lyda gave me a small surprise that she actually prepared an additional thank you token for me. Special one! Wow! I was so touched! It was a heart shape ceramic box with nicely pink rose and lace deco, inside with mentos sweets.
I was happy and grateful that finally Lyda found her happiness and beloved one.
I leave her house at 4pm. I was rushing home to meet up Eve Lyn.
Eve will come to pick me up for BBQ dinner. But she was late, she went for
Christmas gift shopping with Jason. She bought a red NIKE cap for Uncle Canni, coz his birthday is coming on 21 Dec 05. While I was waiting her at home, I on the Just Like Heave vcd, but I fall asleep till Eve buzz me up. Hahaha..
8pm we were heading to Putrajaya, we all don’t know where Uncle Canni’s condo is, so have to meet him there. We called up Canni & Sasi, both of us told us the road to get into Seri Kembangan. But I’ve totally have no clue why half way Eve turn back to Putrajaya again. Then we look for petrol station, we got lost in Putrajaya. Finally found the petrol station, after filled the fuel, we lost again till reached police station. Hahaha.. *What a shame that don’t tell people that I work in Putrajaya and we all lost in mid of no where.*
Then called up Sasi asked for direction how to get to Canni’s place. Bravo and salute to Sasi, he’s so great to give us the direction. (very clear landmark) We took almost 2 hours to reach the place. Muahahaha….Met up Bee Fong babe, Natasya, Joshua there.. and others.. Bee Fong was so happy and keep snapping pictures. *Babe, remember send me the picture ok?*
We helped Canni to carry all the food items to the uphill ground. Wow…look what we have for BBQ. Chef Eng fried a yummy beef noodle for us…yum yum…Canni made coleslaw.. marinated chicken (secret recipe *with wine*)… sausages…and tons of BEER.
Uncle Canni created Stone Grilled chicken, after eat the chicken will become STUNNED. *LOL!* Bee Fong saw Jason was eating bread, so she asked him what is that?.. Then Jason said “Masturbate”!..We all burst out laugh so loud.. He actually said Toasted bread.. hahahaha… Something wrong with our ears yeah…:p
After BBQ, some of them start to play foot ball, Raj asked me become goal keeper. I told him off, I don’t know how to catch ball, only know how to squeeze and kick ball only. *excuse me* haahhaha….
Bee Fong bunch of them left around 12pm, coz they rushed for another clubbing and drinking session. So we still continued drinking, eating and mingle around. Ops..suddenly the sky started to cry…raining…We all hurried up to clean up the place and rushed back to Condo. I was so scared to climb down from the hill top landscape, so Canni asked me to wait there, he will come and assist me. So I just took the first step.. BOOM! I felt down …my slipper was so slippery..then I tried to get up…I slipped again. FUCK!.Canni faster came rescue me, but both of us slipped together…Muahaha.. Tat’s so funny! I pokkai 3 times in a roll, like striking lottery also not that lucky! Both of us keep laughing there, and Eve also laugh at us. She said it was bit late for her to grab her camera to snap the funny moments. My butt was so painful, my jean with mug stained. Reached the condo, I just realized my left foot got some scratches and was bleeding.. Aiya..small matter, will heal very fast.
End up we were chatting…drinking..watching astro… I had 5 cans of beer.. guess what, Canni was drunk started talk crap.. hahaha… tat’s funny part.. He said he was not drunk only high. Eve asked him to open his gift, he just put his hand into the plastic bag, then he grabbed 1 packet of plastic fork & spoon out..hahaha (actually I put them inside the bag while we hurried up to clean up the BBQ place).. Then Eve asked him to read the greeting card..He opened the envelop can’t find the card again! Haha..found the card actually hide inside the plastic bag. Thanks god that he still can manage to read out what we wrote for him…
We had a great time and wonderful night together…Eve sent me home after 3am, thanks gal. Phew..damn tired…ciao noobs.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Is that my fault?


scratching my head..knocking my head...
why everyone commented my voice sounds like a kid? i also dun want sounds so kiddo one.. is that my fault huh? if a person don't know me, will think i still 18 yrs old "pok pok chui". *puke* i'm a old nerd indeed *nod nod*
if they saw me in person, wil mention that : "hey, ur look don't really match with ur voice lah". DUH! u think i wanna be like that? i've no choice, was born like tat way..Arghhhhhhhh.... i wanna GROW UP!!
Damn it! that my friend told me:"Jo, your voice sounds sexy lah,so aroused. can go work part time as XXX DJ, sure lots of ppl call in ask for phone sex one." MCH! WTF! u think i so free huh? #@$%$^%&^**(*%^#
Erm...still remember another buddy told me that:" you sounds so cute yeah!" GOSH! CUTE>>>Ugly but adorable! okay lah, i still acceptable. hahahaha.. Thanks for the compliment. ^O^
Phew... actually in my bottom of heart, i feel i'm so god damn OLD. Old enuff not to believe in love again. *grin* Love hurts lots...*sigh*
Perhaps i should get sick more often, then i will sounds like "donald duck". *wink*
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
What a DUMB ASS?!
Have you ever see a dumb ass don’t know how to use glue?
Today I saw one in my office!!
Actually the glue was “standing” in front of him and calling him “HELLO DUMB ASS I AM HERE!”, but he couldn’t find where’s the glue is. I think his eye been covered by STAMP or blind! Then I was at next door doing faxing. After all, I saw this dumb ass tried hard too open the glue cap by using stapler and knife. Try to SCREW up the glue cap and try to open the insert inside there…mind you, its bottle of brand new glue. Problem is, this dumb ass I think is spoilt brat first time to use / operate a new bottle of glue. WTF! Because he’s not even know how to do faxing and photocopying, we had show him several times, but he has no BRAIN to pick up and remember how to use because all of us will do for him and baby sitting him whenever he opens his mouth.
Imagine he called you 12.00 am
Wondering this kind of person is lazy? Don’t have initiative to learn? Or just being a dumb ass let people spoon feed you as long as you think you have money to settle everything!?
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
What kind of girl are you?
I am Progressive Girl hahaha...result showedClick on the picture below to read more:
i'm a progressive gal.. O_o Do check out the link then....^o^ |
Rate My Life Quiz
This Is My Life, Rated | |
Life: | ![]() |
Mind: | ![]() |
Body: | ![]() |
Spirit: | ![]() |
Friends/Family: | ![]() |
Love: | ![]() |
Finance: | ![]() |
Take the Rate My Life Quiz |
Life: Your life rating is a score of the sum total of your life, and accounts for how satisfied, successful, balanced, capable, valuable, and happy you are. The quiz attempts to put a number on the summation of all of these things, based on your answers. Your life score leaves room for improvement. You can make changes to improve your trouble areas, and this will bring you greater satisfaction. Focus on your weakest points and set about to change them. Do not delay your happiness and success.
Mind: Your mind rating is a score of your mind's clarity, ability, and health. Higher scores indicate an advancement in knowledge, clear and capable thinking, high mental health, and pure thought free of interference. Your mind score is not bad, but could be improved upon. Your mental health is not weak, but you are not achieving full mental clarity and function. Learn how to unclutter your mind. Keep learning, keep improving, continue moving forward.
Body: Your body rating measures your body's health, fitness, and general wellness. A healthy body contributes to a happy life, however many of us are lacking in this area. You have a rather good body score, which is an indication that you take care of yourself. There is room for improvement, however. Please keep doing what works. Eat right, exercise, reduce your stress, treat any illness. Doing these things will help ensure your body will be in good working order for a long time to come.
Spirit: Your spirit rating seeks to capture in a number that elusive quality which is found in your faith, your attitude, and your philosophy on life. A higher score indicates a greater sense of inner peace and balance. You seem to be lacking in spirit. Improve your score by refining your beliefs and searching for answers to philosophical questions. Consider new belief systems if your current beliefs are not rewarding you.
Friends/Family: Your friends and family rating measures your relationships with those around you, and is based on how large, healthy, and dependable your social network is. Your friends and family score suffers, yet it does not need to be this way. Strengthen your social network by reaffirming old bonds. Seek out new friendships, and they will provide you the reward you need.
Love: Your love rating is a measure of your current romantic situation. Sharing your heart with another person is one of life's most glorious, terrifying, rewarding experiences. Your love score is very low, indicating trouble. There is love out there for you. Seek the advice of wise people on how to go about finding it. Do not lose hope.
Finance: Your finance rating is a score that rates your current financial health and stability. Your finances are somewhat in the middle, neither bad or exceptional. Keep doing what works for you, and improve what doesn't. Focus on long-term financial stability as your goal.