It's F2005 car model!! Fu-yoh! Terrific!!
I love it!! INDEED!!!!!!!!!
It's an official licensed product by Ferrari. Woot~
Do you want it?
U want it? he wants it? She wants it? Everyone crazy about it?
Please raise your hand & foot!! Nah..i won't give it to you..nothing is free tho..*evil grin*
Okay, chill..chill..
Easy peasy....
Just drive your baby car (steadily) to any SHELL petrol station, pump RM40 petrol / diesel.
Option A: you pump V-power racing, you can get it with RM3.90.
Option B: you pump diesel or super (regular) petrol, you can get it with RM7.90
Such a great deal right?
So you make up your mind and choice lar!!!
There are 6 models available, irresistible right? Then why u still dilly dally here, faster go pump your petrol and grab one of 'em. JUST COLLECT ALL OF THEM!!!
FAST!! Hurry!!
Before it sold out!!
This promotion will end up by June 2007 if not mistaken!!
Not bad leh~ I think I might go and get one hahaha...
yeah lo..looks quite nice woh..
i bought it fromt da new Shell station along the LDP lo..
next time i might try get another type model from putrajaya shell station. :P
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