Thursday, January 18, 2007

Give / Take?

Many people know how to take... and how to give.
Don't you seem to pour out endlessly?
Put in extra time to care for family, not only to meet their basic need, but to anticipate the little details that will make their lives go more smoothly.
You will go second mile for friends, even for strangers...
Making sure others are take care of.
Some people say we can give without loving, but we can't love without giving.
May be that's a secret...
You are willing to love, willing to open up your heart and give...
Whether or not gift is reciprocated, whether or not fully appreciated, or not even noticed.
You LOVE therefore you give..
Love & Give without conditions...

Want to show the irrelevancy of some of the choices we make every day. It doesn't matter whether you give or take, you end up with the same anyways. The open hands give and receive, and the cross shows us the direction. Is it from the outside in or the inside out? The same goes for the taking hands. All they take spirals away, and you end up giving back.

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