Thursday, August 30, 2007

Double Happiness! Happy Birthday to Jason & Adrian

Happy Birthday to 2 birthday boys!!

Today is a very special day! 2 of my friends' birthday falls on 30 August 2007, Merdeka's eve! Let's go celebration!!
Wish both of you have a very wonderful birthday!
Enjoy your birthday bash!
Many happy returns!
one year older, one year wiser!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Face Map

Wondering why sometimes your acnes/ pimples keep popping up on your face at the same spot?
There always with reasons behind that. Look into the face map, locate the area which your 'lovely' pimples 'grown' there, why at the area huh? Perhaps that area got some 'issues' need to look into. There are so many impacts will caused you to have pimples, i.e. bad life habit, unhealthy dietary, poor personal hygiene, body system problems, etc.

Dong Dong Chiang~~!!




有二位年輕人從鄉下來到城市, 歷經奮鬥,終於賺了很多錢, 後來年紀大了,就決定回鄉下安享晚年,在他們回鄉的小徑上,碰到了一位白衣老者,這位老者手上拿著一面銅鑼,在那裡等他們。

他們問老先生:「你在這做什麼 ?


你們兩個都只剩下三天的生命,到第三天黃昏的時候, 我會拿著銅鑼到你家的門外敲, 你們一聽到鑼聲,生命就結束了。」


兩人各自回家後,第一個有錢人從此不吃不喝, 每天都愁眉不展,細數他的財產。

心想:「怎麼辦?只剩三天可活 ! 他就這樣垂頭喪氣,面如死灰,什麼事也不做, 只記得那個老人要來敲銅鑼。

他一直等,一直等到第三天的黃昏,整個人已如洩了 氣的皮球。終於那個老人來了,拿著銅鑼站在他的門外,〔鏘〕的敲了一聲。他一聽到鑼聲,就立刻倒了下去,死了。

為什麼呢 ? 因為,他一直在等這一聲,等到了,也就死了 !


於是,他把所有的錢分給窮苦的人,又鋪路又造橋,光是處理這些就讓他忙得不得了, 根本忘記三天以後的銅鑼聲。


到了第三天黃昏,老人依約出現,在他家門外敲銅鑼.老人〔鏘 ! !鏘〕地敲了好幾聲銅鑼,可是大夥全都沒聽到,老人再怎麼敲也沒用,只好走了。

這個有錢人過了好多天才想起老人要來敲鑼的事,還正納悶:「怎麼老人失約了 ?


絕望將不再是絕望,卻反而可能是另一個轉機呢 !



Tuesday, August 28, 2007


世上最凄绝的距离是两个人本来距离很远, 互不相识, 忽然有一天, 他们相识, 相爱, 距离变得很近。 然后有一天,不再相爱了, 本来很近的两个人, 变得很远, 甚至比以前更远。
开始的时侯,我们就知道,总会有终结。 爱情还没有来到,日子是无忧无虑的;最痛苦的,也不过是测验和考试。当时觉得很大压力,后来回望,不过是多么的微小。
同一个人﹐ 是没法给你相同的痛苦的。 当他重复地伤害你﹐那个伤口已经习惯了﹐ 感觉已经麻木了﹐ 无论在给他伤害多少次﹐也远远不如第一次受的伤那么痛了。
我们也许可以同时爱两个人,又被两个人所爱。遗憾的是,我们 只能跟其中一个厮守到老。
如果情感和岁月也能轻轻撕碎﹐ 扔到海中﹐ 那么﹐ 我愿意从此就在海底沉默… 你的言语﹐ 我爱听﹐ 却不懂得﹐ 我的沉默﹐ 你愿见﹐ 却不明白…
你爱我吗?已经爱到危险的程度了.危险到什么程度? 已经不能一个人生活。
无法厮守终生的爱情﹐ 不过是人在长途旅程中﹐ 来去匆匆的转机站﹐ 无论停留多久﹐ 始终要离去坐另一班机。
在爱情的世界里,总有一些近乎荒谬的事情发生,当一个人以为可以还清悔疚, 无愧地生活的时候,偏偏已到了结局,如此不堪的不只是爱情,而是人生。

~By 張小嫻 ~

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Kimchi Ramen

After Miso Udon, suddenly i craved for kimchi ....^_^
I cooked kimchi ramen!!!!
Sauteed the shitake mushroom with herbs, fried the smoked chicken sausage, fried the egg!!
Put ramen into boiling water, let it boiled for few minutes, brought under cold running water then set the noodle aside. Boiled the another pot of water, add on kimchi spice powder.
Pour the soup onto the noodle, add on the mushrooms, sausages, egg, seaweed & kimchi!
Heavenly Kimchi ramen is ready to be served!

Lazy Sunday

Phew! another sunny lazy Sunday..
I was out for whole day on Saturday, a long day for me. Since morning got out from 10am till 12am just back to home, exhausted....tired...smelly...
Hence, i love Sunday... why? coz i can stay at home take a good rest. Sleeping time... woke up...slept tv...slept again... house chores...reading... utterly a lazy day, damn relax tho....
How about your lovely Sunday?

Friday, August 24, 2007

I love korean food

So far i have had been to 2 korean BBQ restaurant, Dae Jang Gum Korean BBQ restaurant , Puchong & Daorae Korean BBQ restaurant, Sri Hartamas.

I gave my first time to korean food whereby my friends, Edwin & Daphene brought me to Daorae at Sri Hartamas 2 years ago, Edwin claimed that that's one of the best korean restaurant he likes the most. After so long, Mav brought me there again for my 2nd visit, as i just realized that i been to the restaurant before. ^_^

As for Dae Jang Gum, my 1st time went with Mikel, Sylvia, Tony & Joanne, the portion there kinda small for us which we compared with the rest. *evil grin*

For my personal liking, i would prefer Daorae instead of Dae Jang Gum, why?
Daorae provides better attentive service to guest, provides more variaty of side dishes / condiments, the most important thing is all korean served us!! They are so polite and friendly, the food is YUMMY! I remembered i was snapping the food pictures whereby the Korean chef was standing behind me observed how i snapped his food, and he kept nod his head and smile till Mav gave me evil smile to hint me, Gosh! i just realized the chef was behind me, freak me out! The Korean chef talked to me, how's the korean food and blablabla, of coz i manage shoot a photo with him. *giggle*
As for Dae Jang Gum, that day i paid there 2nd vist, still bit disappointed loh. James suddenly told me that he wanna try out Korean food since Pegs mentioned to him, hahahahha....Good idea! The nearest Korean restaurant i could 'dig' on that time was DJG, no choice! rushing hours...!!-_- I can't find any korean staff in that restaurant, correct me if i am wrong, i am wondering the chef is korean huh? *ops* pardon me please. After we ordered the food, the server came to tell me that whole restaurant was running out of lettuce!! OMFG! how i gonna to eat my BBQ pork rib without lettuce???? u tell me , u tell me!!?? Nah, it's pretty fine, i was good mood that day. Just deal with it and bear with it! ^_^. But again, something unexpected happened, you guess what? the grilled on our table doesn't work at all!! Thus, we can't see how our BBQ pork rib gonna to be grilled there!!! Mind you, the pork rib was well-done! (over-cooked!) -_-''. ARghhhhhhh...................!! Anyway, we still whack all the food till finished. :p love Korean Food!!! Slurpy!~~~ i love kimchi!!

Side dishes / condiments @ DJG
Seafood pancake, Delicious~~!
At Dae Jung Gum, Bandar Puteri Puchong

the grill which is out of service @ DJG
Nice & cute decoration @ DJG

What is this? exhaust hood?
Korean Chef from Daorae & me
Daorae Korean BBQ restaurant, Sri Hartamas
Side dishes / condiments @ Daorae

BBQ chicken & pork with special sauce & dip @ Daorae
Mav ordered this korean rice mixed with vegetables, crabmeat & sauce
Burp!~~~ so full
The Daorae branches
You have to end up your dessert with this Cinnamon ginger tea
The Korean restaurant manager told us it's good for digestion.

*p/s: Thanks a bunch to James & Mav for the lovely dinner*


Found this from Multiply, wrote by 爱的傀儡. Really meaningful...
Have you ever ponder these all happened to you just like yesterday????....

























曖昧是, 有感覺,然而,這種感覺不足以叫你們切切實實地發展一段正式的關係。

曖昧是, 明白人生有太多的無奈,現實有太多的限制。你知道沒有可能,但又捨不得放手。

曖昧是, 有進一步的衝動,卻沒有進一步的勇氣。






曖昧是, 為了逃避背叛的罪惡感。

曖昧是, 甜津津又同時酸溜溜的。往往從未開始,已叫人不安,患得患失。











曖昧, 是一扇門,你可以停留在門外,也可以踏進房子裏面。然後你不可以停留在門下面。門--永遠不是終點站。


How do I stop my negative thoughts?

"How do I stop my negative thoughts?" - is a question that I have been asked many times. If you have ever asked this question then you will feel such enormous relief in knowing the answer, because it is so simple. How do you stop negative thoughts? You plant good thoughts!

When you try to stop negative thoughts, you are focusing on what you don't want - negative thoughts - and you will attract an abundance of them. They can never disappear if you are focused on them. The "stop" part is irrelevant - the negative thoughts are your focus. It doesn't matter if you are trying to stop negative thoughts or control them or push them away, the result is the same. Your focus is on negative thoughts, and by the law of attraction you are inviting more of them to you.

The truth is always simple and it is always easy. To stop negative thoughts, just plant good thoughts! Deliberately plant good thoughts! You plant good thoughts by making it a daily practice to appreciate all the things in your day. Appreciate your health, your car, your home, your family, your job, your friends, your surroundings, your meals, your pets, and the magnificent beauty of the day. Compliment, praise, and give thanks to all things. Every time you say "Thank you" it is a good thought! As you plant more and more good thoughts, the negative thoughts will be wiped out. Why? Because your focus is on good thoughts, and what you focus on you attract.
So don't give any attention to negative thoughts. Don't worry about them. If any come, make light of them, shrug them off, and let them be your reminder to deliberately think more good thoughts now.

The more good thoughts you can plant in a day, the faster your life will be utterly transformed into all good. If you spend only one day speaking of good things and saying "Thank you" at every single opportunity, you will not believe your tomorrow. Deliberately thinking good thoughts is exactly like planting seeds. As you think good thoughts you are planting good seeds inside you, and the Universe will transform those seeds into a garden of paradise. How will the garden of paradise appear? As your life!

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne, Creator of The Secret
The Secret... bringing joy to billions.

*p/s: if you haven't read this book, please go to book store hunt for it, it's a fabulous book to read.*

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Happy Birthday to JamesDL!

James's birthday cake!
dude! nerd look while cake cutting moment
Happy Family!!
Group picture
James W & James C

Happy Birthday to JamesDL! many happy returns!~
As i promised him i will blog about his b'day celebration, so i ought to deliver my promise tho... apologies that it's bit late for this post, i hope you don't mind!
It's such a great pleasure to visit your big house and attend your b'day dinner. Indulged ourselves so much with buffet style food and mingled around. i brought another James from far far away ~ Mauritius to meet this James. *wink* double james together, let's James Chee meet James Wong!! Oh yeah, not forget to mention that i manage to meet James's new gf, she's very gorgeous, sexy and pretty oh!! o.O
JamesDL such a lucky guy to be with her! ^_^

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sharing is caring~~

The best things in life are SHARED!!
Delightful flavours & great tastes..yummy!~~
Do you crave for some piping hot soups (occasionaly)?? you want to boil it yourself but heck! you are running out idea what to cook?
Come, one of my bestie, Pegs she shared with me this website. You can opt for English or Chinese version. CLICK

Monday, August 20, 2007

Summer Palace ~ dim sum~

My colleague aka big brother, Eddie brought me to try out dim sum buffet at Summer Palace (chinese restaurant), IOI Marriott as he claimed one of the best one. The hostess gave me a best corner seat which facing swimming pool, but no sexy gals nor macho man for me to glimpse. *bad luck* The waiter offered me their menu, i can pick my dim sum items from the menu list or they will bring to show me tray by tray. Firstly, i just ordered a few to try out, Eddie arrived bit late, he ordered non-stop till whole table full of food, very scary! I can't manage to finish up all, bloated badly till wanna puke out! hahahahaha.... really bad yeah, i can't stuff in any food anymore!! HELP!!!
May be next time i still want to go there again with more friends so we can try out more food!! *evil grin* ~burp~

Some dimsum i've tried out @ Summer Palace
our table
one of our dessert, longan soup
Eddie was busy talking on phone with Anna
to brag about our luxury lunch :P
HongKong kai lan
'kao zi' dumpling
Jasmine tea
magnificent window view
table next to us
table set up

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Apartment, The Curve

The apartment
small side bar
Group picture
my drink ~'herbal tea'
Hoyoyi & Jo @ the apartment
Eefee & Hoyoyi

Such a honour been invited by Hoyoyi go to the apartment at the Curve for a drink. It's our 1st time meet up, i knew her through blogsphere and via a friend, we spoke on phone and chat in msn. After so long, finally we met up for a drink. ^_^
She introduced me her gang, a bunch of nice people. We had some chat & laugh together, of coz never forget to do camwhore.
The apartment is a new outlet at the Curve, been heard of it quite sometimes, but everytime no chance pop in. The outlet design purely black and white theme, down stair is restaurant, up stair is a pub. It's a place for bunch of frenz to mingle around and enjoy cuppa drinks.

Miso Udon

i love udon noodle, i love miso soup...let me bring it on...
i cooked my version of miso udon !! HOT - SHIT!~~
i bought the miso seaweed paste, pork sausage, fresh shitake mushroom, seaweed, fresh enoki mushroom & prawns. Washed, trimmed,cut ..blablabla etc..., done my mis-en-place for all ingredients. Boiled the water, put shitake mushroom, prawns, sausage & miso paste into the pot, then followed by udon noodles and eggs. Then add on additional seaweed, voila! simply indulge myself with yummy miso udon and savour them.... DELICIOUS!~

Friday, August 17, 2007

Yummy Pan Mee

I love noodles!!! I am not a rice eater, i prefers to have noodles or pasta if i do have a choice.
Come, let's go to eat pan mee!!~~~~Slurpy~~
Tony brought me to this pan mee shop ' bao bao' near to his place at Kelana Jaya, used to hear from Mikel said this shop serves yummy pan mee!! Thus, must 'die die' go to try it out! Not bad, they have special shrimp paste chilli and others type of chilli for those chilli lovers. Noodle served with shredded fried tofu, shreded meat, spring onions. Of cause can't forget to try out the 'springy' meat balls!
Another pan mee stall which i always support for years at Cheras, i went there with Stacy & James. As usual, very chaotic, have to wait for table. They served big, small and hand pull pan mee , you can opt for soup or dry type. Sad to say their portion is getting smaller and smaller. -_-'' Albeit pan mee become smaller portion, but still can satisfied my small appetite. :P

Pan mee from 'bao bao'
pan mee from cheras
meat balls!!
special home made chilli
My bestie, Stacy